Thursday, November 20, 2008

Warehouse Gallery Opening

I didn't quite enjoy this opening as much, I was kind of looking for more of the work when I came in and then realized it was the deflated thing in the middle of the room. When it did blow up it looked like people enjoyed squeezing through it very much but I can't say I see the point in making this an exhibit.

Light Work: Tracing Memory

I enjoyed this exhibit. I was familiar with the work that Paula Brought to class and also from when we looked at some prints at Light Work after that. I really enjoyed some of the prints in the main hallway and I can't remember who the artist was but it was different groupings of objects and it also had one with a stuffed animal in it. I happened to see my co-worker there as well because some of her mother's work was in the show (also in the hallway), they were very nice 'antique' photographs.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ernesto Pujol

I wasn't very fond of this exhibit. I understand that pictures have meanings behind them and the photographer had a specific reason to shoot these but aesthetically it is not my style. I guess like a little more composition and depth of field. In this exhibit I thought it was pretty much Ernesto doing the same thing in different places.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ectoplasm: Photography in the Digital Age

Although I can't say I agree with all of the opinions in this article, it had some interesting facts. During my summer digital photo class we learned about the deguerreotype, which was the first time I had heard of it (I am not a photo major), so it was nice to read about it a little bit more. However, I felt like the article kept stressing the 'death of photography' and how it won't be needed soon because of computer graphics and the like. I don't agree with this; many artistic mediums might convey the same thing but all of them are still unique. For example, even if graphics were so precise that they looked like a picture the process is completely different and not every photographer has skills in that medium or likes it. Also, the fact that a lot of pictures are digitally altered these days (especially in the media) may cause people to lose faith in the validity of photography; however that doesn't mean that it is going to 'die' because of some skeptical people.